a 1:1 program experience with tiffany peck

soul rhythm is a coaching program designed to help you relax into the flow of life and trust in your own timing. 

This 3-month program is for the woman who is seeking more confidence, radiance, and self-devotion in how she leads her life. In the work we do together, you will explore who you are and what you truly want--creating and attaining goals that are soul-satisfying and self-loving.

Each of us has our own soul rhythm--our own soul's song. The work we do in this container is to uncover it so you can begin to move with it, rather than against it.  

this program is a fit for the woman who…

⟣ has checked every box of “success” and still feels like there's something missing 

⟣ has always had to put everyone else’s needs & desires before her own

⟣ feels like she's always scattered, always a work-in-progress and never satisfied with where she is

⟣ knows she's ready for a change but always has an excuse to stay in the same old routines and patterns

⟣ has come so far only to now be looking around and wondering who she is now that she's here

what's included?


3 months of weekly 1-hour sessions


voice & text support over Telegram


personalized support (guided meditations, journal prompts, mindset reframing, somatic exercises, individualized diet and lifestyle recommendations, etc.)


personalized Notion dashboard to track progress and share support materials


birth chart interpretation

on the other side of soul rhythm, you will feel:

⟣ MORE CONFIDENT AND UNAFRAID TO TAKE ALIGNED ACTION towards the things you know you want

⟣ like you've gone from disconnected to deeply rooteD, GROUNDED, & JOYFULLY present

⟣ CONNECTED TO YOUR FEMININE INTUITION + INNER GUIDANCE--& trusting enough to actually listen to it

⟣ FULFILLED IN THE EXPRESSION OF YOUR unique gifts and highest potential

“Tiffany offered me incredible guidance, patience, support, encouragement, and grace. She has been a great listener and support for me during a difficult period in my life. Her desire to help others get better and listen to their intuition as well as achieve their dharma is so inspiring. She is truly such a light and source of energy that is beyond divine. ”

Shauna S.



in soul rhythm, you will proactively choose higher for your life, instead of feeling like life is happening to you.

About Me:
Tiffany Peck

Life Purpose coach +

Movement Guide

I know how it feels to be living on autopilot, constantly distracting myself and ignoring the messages of my body, allowing my unconscious fears to control my life. I always felt this never ending sense of urgency to do more, but it was never enough.  

When I learned to accept the present as is and take aligned action towards positive change, is when I learned how to dance with my dharma. When I learned how to trust the timing of my own life, to let go of the need to have the perfect plan, is when I softened into the rhythm of my soul. 

I created this program to help you awaken to the truth of who you are. My goal is to help you reconnect with your inner guidance and embrace your authentic power. Through the many tools and resources I've studied and put into practice in my own life, I will help you attune to the rhythm of your soul. 


Do you offer refunds?

Due to the nature of coaching refunds are generally not offered. I offer a free discovery call to help you clarify any questions and see if we are a good fit before you commit to anything financially. 

How do I sign up for the program?

The first step is to book a call with me so I can answer any questions you may have and clarify if the program is the right fit. If we decide to move forward I will take you through the onboarding process of contract signing, intake paperwork, and payment. 

How does the program work?

We will meet 12x over 3 months for 1 hour. Each session will have a focus based on the Soul Rhythm Flow framework. I will offer voice and text support via Telegram with a 24 hour response time, for any support needed between sessions. You will also have access to a personalized Notion dashboard to help keep you on track. 

What is the Soul Rhythm Flow?

The Soul Rhythm Flow is a mind, body, soul framework I've created to help you tap into your body's wisdom, shift your mindset and overcome limiting beliefs, connect with your soul's purpose, and step into your authentic power. I use various tools based in modern psychology, somatics, as well as ancient spiritual wisdom and philosophy. 

Do I have lifetime access?

You will have lifetime access to session recordings and supplemental materials via a Google Drive folder.

attune to your soul's rhythm